

In China的纯美nature has been treasured for centuries, and this is most evident in the appreciation and collecting of highly unusual rocks called 贡施. Long ago, the 中文began decorating gardens and courtyards with large stones, and around 1,000 years ago smaller, more refined stones began to be brought inside by scholars, officials and connoisseurs so they could be appreciated in their studios. Ultimately, Gongshi became so deeply valued they were presented as tribute objects to powerful people in China and the rest of Asia.


贡施可以松散分为两大类:摘要和代表性。摘要石头通常被称为“ scholar’s rocks。“They may be reminiscent of coral or cloudlike shapes and often have swirls, holes, perforations, and myriad caverns on their surface. They sometimes resemble famous or imaginary mountains and natural wonders, and typically appear to be naturally eroded, and are rarely shaped by human hands. Scholar’s rocks are considered the embodiment of the transformational powers of nature. Gongshi which fall into the second category, representational, can also be called “ Spirit Stones。“

In fact, the wordgongmeans "spirit" andshi“结石。”在此类别中,岩石本身超越了摘要并开始引用着名的世界。具有夹杂物的石头,看起来像人,神话生物和其他图像落入这个类别以及可以识别的形状的那些类。精神石头以抽象的方式浓缩着名的世界,或者相反,以代表方式扩展抽象世界。

对于过去的中国学者来说,公石代表着冥想的重点,可以在创造诗歌或绘画之前用作沉思的对象。它们也可能是功能性的,用作刷子休息,墨水石,香烛或密封件。然而,他们被使用,所有人都被审美的优点所带来和赞赏。摘要,但正规的贡什呼吁过去的学者呼吁今日的收集者的完全相同的品质 - 这些都是与中国书法和绘画以及现代化的西方艺术的相同品质。


贡施may also be categorized according to composition or type of stone. Historically, four types of stone have been revered: 灵璧(发现在安徽省凌比县), Ying岩石(从广东省越甸), Taihu岩石(来自江苏和浙江省边境的Tai湖),和江苏岩(江苏省昆山)。然而,其他类型的石材也可能被认为是贡施,包括黄蜡岩, 石化林,zibowen岩石,黑莹岩,丰利石,红河石,崂山绿石。连同,这些包括十多种基本类型的公石,虽然更多类型的石材可以被归类为公石。

Throughout history, Gongshi have been the subject of countless poems, stories and paintings. Some have even become venerated as deities and credited with their own consciousness and powers.中文believed Gongshi contained the basic life force – known asqi(CHEE) - 就像人,在他们的发展过程中经历了深刻的变化。现代Aficionados将地球视为终极艺术家。然而,过去或目前,公石的升值始终植根于想象力回火的形式的美学;这种欣赏,往往表现为敬畏,引起了巩西的另一个解释 - “奇妙的岩石”这个词。

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Glen Joffe

本文件已被Glen Joffe审查和编辑。格伦joffe是原始的主人位于芝加哥伊利尔。背景:20多年来,格伦·乔夫为原始,他在芝加哥的零售画廊带来了“世界上最好的”。最初被称为原始艺术品在1989年开业时,该公司由格伦·乔夫和他的妻子克劳迪娅·阿什利·莫尔根专门从事真实的非洲艺术。今天,原始销售六大类的收藏品 - 家具,文物,亚博国际官网登录纺织品,珠宝,时尚和艺术品 - 由中国,印度,尼泊尔,西藏,不丹,印度尼西亚等众多国外的业主和工作人员提供手工挑选许多非洲国家

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“Cultural objects tell stories; and in each story a simple message is found—all cultures are the same, we just express ourselves differently格伦乔夫,所有者