Dogon Star Gazers.

Dogon Star Gazers.

多贡人居住在中央马里阿龙g the Bandiagara escarpment since they migrated there sometime in the 15th century. They are known for their hospitality and their cultural heritage, which has been recorded by the production of meaningful artwork since the culture was first established. Consequently, each Dogon village supports artisans such as sculptors, weavers and blacksmiths.

Pair of hand-forged copper and iron Star Gazers
Pair of hand-forged copper and iron Star Gazers




杜蒙创作神话周围的神话非常复杂,在Dogon社会中有很多辩论的有效性。由名字Marcel Griaule和Germaine Dieterlen的两位法国人类学家在1931年访问了Dogon,并记录了Dogon认为他们被称为神所谓的神Nommothousands of years ago. It was then that they obtained their deep knowledge of agriculture and farming, which to this day is the reason they have survived so well on the desolate Bandiagara Escarpment. According to Dogon legend, the Nommo came from a planet orbiting around an invisible star obscured by Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. The Dogon have held this belief since antiquity. This may be of little interest to anybody, except it turns out that thereisSirius系统中的一个看不见的明星,该星仅在1978年被西方科学家发现。发现Sirius B的明星的发现,一颗小白矮星,一个简单的问题:如何没有天文设备的人知道这么多关于一个看不见的明星,自13世纪以来他们在仪式中庆祝的明星?


Glen Joffe

This document has been reviewed and edited by Glen Joffe. Glen Joffe is the owner of PRIMITIVE located in Chicago IL. Background: For more than 20 years, Glen Joffe has brought “the best of the world” to PRIMITIVE, his retail gallery in Chicago. Originally known as Primitive Art Works when it opened in 1989, the company owned by Glen Joffe and his wife Claudia Ashleigh-Morgan specialized in authentic African art. Today, PRIMITIVE sells collectibles in six broad categories - furniture, artifacts, textiles, jewelry, fashion, and artwork - hand-picked by the owners and staff in numerous foreign countries such as China, India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Indonesia, and many African countries

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“文化对象讲故事;在每个故事中,找到了一个简单的消息- 所有文化都是一样的,我们只是表达了不同的方式-GLEN JOFFE, OWNER