

马克·韦斯特维尔特(Mark Westervelt)是堪萨斯城左岸画廊的屡获殊荣的画家和联合创始人。在八十年代末和九十年代初,这是最早具有进步艺术愿景的艺术家可以制作和展示其作品的场所之一,为堪萨斯艺术界奠定了基础。在经营画廊时,Westervelt在堪萨斯城艺术学院获得了美术学士学位。他在芝加哥完成了正式的研究,并在芝加哥大学获得了美术硕士学位。

While a classically trained artist, Westervelt's style of art has transformed over the course of his career to incorporate various mediums. Most notable is his ingenious use of dried paint pasted onto his works, creating a unique three-dimensional texture to his emotionally powerful paintings. Artists are constantly striving to create something new but few can claim inventing their own medium. Westervelt can. He creates and works with dried paint skins that he later applies to mixed-media compositions. It is a unique process that has become synonymous with Westervelt's work and is unlike anything else found in contemporary art today.

Like many discoveries, Westervelt stumbled on the use of dried paint by accident. While working with oil paints he found that much of it dripped onto the plastic on the floor and, not wanting to waste it, attempted to bring it back into the painting. The dried paint chips brought new texture and an element of randomness to the canvas that was beautiful and evoking. Now, ever since the science of paint changed, Westervelt has taken his dried paint practice a step further. He paints directly on plastic and once dry, peels the paint skin off and applies it to a canvas. By using multiple layers of skins, he creates his composition like an appliqué – except, with his own unique medium.

韦斯特维尔特(Westervelt)的绘画反映了某种既动人又诱人的原始原始主义。他的许多作品都表达了人类的情感和内在条件的面孔和人物。尽管乍一看他的作品似乎很抽象,但每种面部表情和肢体语言都传达了我们都熟悉和经验的感觉 - 斗争,混乱,镇定,幽默,沮丧,清晰,清单也在继续。作品是情感和沉思的。他们通过艺术家的奇异视觉语言表达了成为人类的意义,我们开始的旅程以及自我的演变。

格伦·乔夫(Glen Joffe)

本文综述了由格伦和编辑Joffe. Glen Joffe is the owner of PRIMITIVE located in Chicago IL. Background: For more than 20 years, Glen Joffe has brought “the best of the world” to PRIMITIVE, his retail gallery in Chicago. Originally known as Primitive Art Works when it opened in 1989, the company owned by Glen Joffe and his wife Claudia Ashleigh-Morgan specialized in authentic African art. Today, PRIMITIVE sells collectibles in six broad categories - furniture, artifacts, textiles, jewelry, fashion, and artwork - hand-picked by the owners and staff in numerous foreign countries such as China, India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Indonesia, and many African countries

Blog Posts
  1. Brian Sindler - Nocturnes格伦·乔夫(Glen Joffe)2019年7月7日
  2. 重建巴黎圣母院2019年版格伦·乔夫(Glen Joffe)2019年4月18日
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  4. 图西篮子 - 世界一流的编织格伦·乔夫(Glen Joffe)2017年8月11日

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“文化对象讲故事;在每个故事中,都会找到一个简单的消息- 所有文化都是一样的,我们只是表达了不同的表达透明-GLEN JOFFE, OWNER