
Coclé文化fruteroor pedestal bowl

GranCoclé是哥伦比亚中美洲前哥伦比亚中美洲的考古文化领域,恰逢现代巴拉曼省Coclé。它包括许多可识别的本地文化,其中考古学家通过陶器风格松散地指定。学习良好的La Mula期间从150年到300个广告。它之后是TONOSI期间,从300广告到550广告,并通过古塔期间,从550广告到700广告。


Archaeologists working at intervals since the 1920s have uncovered ruins and burials which contain striking artifacts. These include worked gold and other metals, carved bone, shell, and whale ivory, textiles, jewelry with semi-precious stones, and beautifully painted pottery. Coclé gold work was traded throughout the region, and has been found as far away as Chichen Itza in Yucatán, Mexico. The large collection of Coclé pre-historic pottery is notable for strong structural design and the use of fish, bird, animal and human figures as decoration.



Pre-Coclé陶器Pre-Coclé陶器(203 kB)


本文综述了由格伦和编辑Joffe. Glen Joffe is the owner of PRIMITIVE located in Chicago IL. Background: For more than 20 years, Glen Joffe has brought “the best of the world” to PRIMITIVE, his retail gallery in Chicago. Originally known as Primitive Art Works when it opened in 1989, the company owned by Glen Joffe and his wife Claudia Ashleigh-Morgan specialized in authentic African art. Today, PRIMITIVE sells collectibles in six broad categories - furniture, artifacts, textiles, jewelry, fashion, and artwork - hand-picked by the owners and staff in numerous foreign countries such as China, India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Indonesia, and many African countries

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“文化对象讲故事;在每个故事中,找到了一个简单的消息- 所有文化都是一样的,我们只是表达了不同的方式-GLEN JOFFE, OWNER