
Senanque Abbey:Inside Out

塞南克修道院内外,汤姆·罗西特(Tom Rossiter)
Senanque Abbey“ Inside Out”汤姆·罗西特(Tom Rossiter),2017年;卫生间附带的摄影渲染;图像,43 W x 43 h英寸;框架,45.75 W x 45.75 h英寸;$ 6,950


奉献通常会产生奇迹般的结果。尤其是随着时间的推移将其应用于物理世界中的对象时。例如,以本周的新到来 - 法国普罗旺斯的塞南克修道院的照片。它是展览的一部分,体系结构,今晚在原始开业,持续到2018年1月8日。周围的土地,当然还有祈祷。考虑到所有因素,直到16世纪初,塞南克的生活都很简单而简单。那时,人类行为的摆动以另一种方式挥舞着。法国宗教战争发生了。它蔓延到周围国家之间的政治冲突中。大火破坏了修道院,被洗劫了。 By the time the French Revolution came around, only one monk remained. The government expelled him and nationalized the property. Maybe they thought it was too much work for one man; except they turned around and sold it to a private individual. All the while, the Abbey’s bricks, mortar, columns, fields and atmosphere remained infused with devotion. When it once again became a sanctuary in the mid-1800s, the devotion inherent in Senanque became evident for all who cared to look.

Senanque Abbey“ Inside Out”的细节

现在,看看汤姆·罗西特(Tom Rossiter)的这张塞南克(Senanque)的照片。像展览中的其他图像一样,它展示了世界上一栋伟大建筑之一的全面看法。在这种情况下,罗马式建筑的经典例子。经过仔细检查,您可以看到教堂,其巨大的木制十字架被另一侧的窗户散开的光照射。这是一个没有褶边的结构。巴黎歌剧院的对立面是展览中的另一项作品。这里的居民珍惜其他东西。与修道院相邻的薰衣草植物的完美行不如过去几年那样充满活力,但它们仍然保留其颜色。他们似乎是照片的铜绿。深呼吸,您可以想象它们的气味。 This part of the picture was shot at dusk as the plants were about to rest. To the right one can see the paired inner columns of the cloisters, the covered walk surrounding the interior courtyard. Normally hidden from sight, it is actually in the interior on the other side of the building. Everywhere you look simplicity reigns, even the sky. There are no clouds, stars, or sun; just the pure light of dawn, the time this part of the picture was taken. This photograph is more than an innovative, artistic exercise. Its composition and individual elements take us on an austere journey, finally exposing the net effects of devotion revealed inside out.

此图像是展览的一部分,建筑:Inside Out开放2017年9月8日,星期五