New Arrivals

Root Wood Table

艺术c Collaboration

Root Wood Gongshi Table; Hebei Province, China; 20 W x 18.5 D x 31 H inches; PRIMITIVE I.D. #F1305-061

Already heralded as the most famous artist of her day, she studied a piece of wood on her studio floor. It begged to have her hands caress the wood, which swirled and contorted in extraordinary shapes. “Not so fast,” she told herself. The piece was asking to be reborn, but as what? If she listened hard enough perhaps she could hear what it wanted to be. Other mediums spoke to her in the same way. A blank canvas always told her what image to render before she ever picked up a brush. She looked again. Seeing the wood was one thing, touching it another. As her hands glided over the surface she read it like Braille, feeling each groove and whorl. Gradually, encoded instructions were revealed. The most important was to be patient. It might take years to finish this work. It did; and upon completion she cryptically signed her name. It simply said,Nature; and at last, she gave birth to this week’s New Arrival.

Detail of Root Wood Gongshi Table;see related blog to learn more

本周的新抵达有一个中国根木表。在中国,天然艺术已珍惜几个世纪。像人类的人才一样,可能是难以渲染更多的吸引力和形式,而不是自然提供的;虽然偶尔,大自然的手工可以使用一点辅助。将这个根转变为表格的工匠对大自然的既定模式术语特别敏感。他们没有单独将木材视为原料,也没有提前提前自己的视角或性格,粮食,品质,外观或木材的整体感觉。相反,像大自然一样,他们让这件作品决定它想要看起来。最后,它的自然形式保存,出现了一个功能性的艺术作品。艺术家合作需要技能,意愿和谦逊。检查表格。 There are no signatures; just the telltale signs of appreciation and respect.