
大自然的时间胶囊 - chucu平板电脑

原始 - 2015年3月13日,星期五

由Misaki Imagawa

In 1950 Indonesia, the monsoon season was just beginning, drenching the island of Sulawesi with damp, humid air. Heavy clouds hung low over the tropical forest, obscuring the peaks of the nearby mountains. A small group of women were making their way through the lush forest, bearing baskets full of ripe fruits, and following doggedly on their heels was a young girl clutching a bright red mango. She turned it over and over in her little hands, so delighted with her find that she hardly noticed the forewarning of the darkening sky and the downpour to follow. As she rushed to keep up with the others, hurrying along the dirt path to avoid the rain, a rustling in the bushes distracted her. She stopped to investigate and noticed a family of palm civets, or toddy cats, spooked by the rolling thunder. When she looked up, panic sunk in – the adults were nowhere to be seen! She was all alone.

最近的约会将绘画在Sulawesi的洞穴中达到近40,000年的历史 - 由于洞穴的独特条件,这些绘画保留了
最近的约会将绘画在Sulawesi的洞穴中达到近40,000年的历史 - 由于洞穴的独特条件,这些绘画保留了

这个女孩跑一样快,但很快就失去了her way amid the maze of paths. Just as the torrential rain started, she burst into a clearing at the base of a rocky outcropping and saw a cave opening where she could hide. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she wandered deeper into the cave, lured by curiosity. Outside, the rain ended as quickly as it had started and filtered light illuminated the walls inside. The girl’s eyes filled with wonder at what she saw. An image appeared before her; it was an animal painted in deep red on the wall of the cave. Beside it, numerous hand prints marked the wall. Stepping closer, she pressed her own palm against a print that was the same size as her hand. Little did the young girl know that half a century later, archeologists would discover this was the oldest cave painting ever created by humankind.

Chucu Offernda或奉献片

在不同的时间,在不同的时间发生了类似的发现。在秘鲁的阿雷基帕(Arequipa)的山丘上,一群学者发现了迄今未经探索的洞穴。在这些地下室内,他们发现了一堆油漆的兵马俑片。它们似乎已被仪式分解成矩形和梯形形状,并用油漆在一侧装饰。这些绘画描绘了上面和一系列点的四足动物和人类,并奇怪地让人联想到古老的洞穴绘画。学者指出了这些点的重要性,猜测他们描绘了雨。由于Chucu是秘鲁前秘鲁“水神”提供的当地供应中心,因此据信,提供了涂漆的碎片,希望能为农作物和收获提供良好的降雨。这些平板电脑的创建在公元1300 - 1600年之间。


chucu upervenda或奉献片 chucu upervenda或奉献片
chucuofferndadepicting multiple stylized quadrupeds;



From prehistoric times, caves have been used as resources for humankind, and unbeknownst to those who created the paintings, scrolls, artifacts and tablets found inside, their actions would subsequently connect our time to theirs. In this sense, caves have proven to be, and will continue to be, nature’s most powerful time capsules. Inside their stone walls, thousands of years of knowledge often lay waiting to be discovered. Sometimes, all it takes is the curiosity of a lost girl to unearth the secrets of the past.

This Chucu offerenda or votive tablets - although weathered by time - retains much of its green and red pigment
这些chucu派遣人或奉献的片剂 - 尽管按时间风化 - 保留了大部分色素;原始ID的A1000-010、011和12
