
Nature’s Handiwork – Introduction to Gongshi

28 July 2017

Gongshican be loosely divided into two general categories: abstract and representational. Abstract Gongshi are commonly called “scholar’s rocks.” They may be reminiscent of coral or cloud like shapes and often have swirls, holes, perforations, and myriad caverns on their surface. They sometimes resemble famous or imaginary mountains and natural wonders, and typically appear n...

十二月iphering Deities - Will the Real Quan Yin Please Stand Up!


One of the most frequently depicted deities found anywhere in the world is Quan Yin. To fully understand Quan Yin, it is necessary to begin with a discussion of Avolokitesvara, the Buddhist Bodhisattva (which can be defined as a Buddha-to-be) of infinite compassion and mercy. Beloved throughout all schools of Buddhism, Avolokitesvara personifies perseverance and patience, for this deity is said...

中国艺术和古董中的象征主义:第一部分 - 动画自然

07 July 2017

该博客的目的是为读者提供有用的实用指南,亚愽娱乐以解释中国艺术和古董中动物符号的外观。中国艺术和古董中发现的视觉语言是如此丰富,即使是较小的艺术品也可能充满象征意义。中国艺术已经发展了大约5,000年,其中包括大约3500年的书面记录。D ...