
嘶嘶声,破解...... Kaboom!- 中国烟花的历史 - 亚搏体育,亚愽娱乐,亚搏在线登录入口

嘶嘶声,破解...... Kaboom!– History of Chinese Fireworks

PRIMITIVE - Wednesday, July 01, 2015
July 4th Fireworks at Navy Pier in Chicago
July 4th Fireworks at Navy Pier in Chicago

By Misaki Imagawa

July 4th is upon us, so how about taking a glimpse back in time to the origin of fireworks in China. Although fireworks are now mostly used for entertainment and celebratory purposes, this was not always the case. The origin of fireworks goes back over 1,000 years; in fact, long before gunpowder was ever invented.

Antique Chinese fireworks launcher on base

Like many “inventions,” the first ‘fire cracker’ was discovered by accident when green bamboo was tossed into a fire after dried stalks ran out. The air and sap trapped inside the bamboo segments heated and built up pressure, eventually splitting the bamboo open with a loud裂缝!The noise frightened the people, but they hoped it would terrify evil spirits even more; especially those known asn- 在春天春天出现的精神野兽,吃人类并摧毁作物。据说,鞭炮成功地吓到了,因为这个原因,与庆祝和快乐有关。


Iron and wood antique Chinese fireworks launcher repurposed into wall a candle stand Iron and wood antique Chinese fireworks launcher repurposed into wall a candle stand
木头and iron antique Chinese fireworks launcher repurposed into a candle stand; PRIMITIVE ID# A0506-1709

Since then, fireworks have evolved into an art form with new innovations incorporating vibrant colors and designs to displays. Traditionally, fireworks were ignited from the ground or from custom made launchers that could reach several tiers in height. The simplest of these can be found among the antique Chinese fireworks launchers in PRIMITIVE’s collection. In their simplicity lies beauty. Today, these same launchers have been repurposed into candle stands and light sconces.


三缸形古董中国烟花发射器; PRIMITIVE ID #s A0506-1718, 20 & 22


嘶嘶声,破解...... Kaboom!- 中国烟花的历史嘶嘶声,破解...... Kaboom!- 中国烟花的历史(253 KB)

A thousand years ago, fireworks were not yet brilliant bursts of color in the night sky used for entertainment and celebration. In China, the first 'fire cracker' was nothing more than a green bamboo bursting open in a fire. Over time it evolved into an art, incorporating colors and designs. Custom made launchers were specially crafted for the fireworks, which have now become antiques, beautiful in their simplicity.




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