
Seeking Answers Elsewhere - Yoruba Divination Art - 亚搏体育,亚愽娱乐,亚搏在线登录入口

在其他地方寻求答案 - 约鲁巴占卜艺术

原始 - 2014年11月26日星期三

通过Misaki imagawa.

有时我们不想听逻辑或推理。我们只是想假装(在某些情况下真的相信)某人 - 或somethingout there-知道我们麻烦的所有答案。算命的业务告诉这种人类心理,这么多,因此似乎有几乎是无限的专业财富,讲述塔罗牌,棕榈读,占星术等特色,甚至是那些有半甜牙齿的人幸运饼干。我有一个饼干说,“你的梦想今年会成真。”你怎么能not当你破裂打开一个饼干并找到这样的信息时,感到乐观?有些人只是在宗教祈祷和仪式中找到了未来,而其他人则进一步走动,并通过Séances,精神媒介,甚至是Ouija董事会寻求与“对方”的联系。无论是用作展望未来的手段,是否与后期的烈酒相当,或预测获胜彩票数字,财富告诉和占卜到处都是。

盔甲描绘eshu,被称为十字路口的“守护者” 盔甲描绘eshu,被称为十字路口的“守护者”
Above: Helmet mask depicting Eshu, known as the 'Guardian of the Crossroads' by the Yoruba people of Nigeria, West Africa; with detail; PRIMITIVE ID# N1407-005

至于古希腊人的Delphi神谕,占领一直是人类文明的一部分。古代中国扔骨头来调查未来。Mesoamerica中的Aztecs使用反射水表面和镜子以及致幻剂来进入划分效果。与此同时,在尼日利亚和南贝宁,恩鲁巴人民练习与其他世界沟通更复杂的方法,并且多个世纪以来所做的方法。约鲁巴·纳米人被召唤Babalawo.,它转化为“父亲或秘密的秘密。”他们是祭司Ifa, one of the oldest religions in Africa and elsewhere. Ancestor worship, divination, and奥里沙崇拜是IFA的三个主要方面。奥里沙是少于上帝但比人类更少的神灵的万神殿。Babalawo练习的占卜系统代表了教导奥里沙奥伦马拉,'智慧和知识的上帝。

Opon Ifa或占卜委员会
由此使用的Opon Ifa或占卜栏Babalawa.,或奥罗巴司机;原始ID#A010827-676

The divination process begins with the ‘Opon Ifa,’ a wooden divination tray that is usually flat and circular. It’s kind of like a `Ouija board, but without the alphabet, numbers, yes/no, and that creepy ‘goodbye’. The edges of an Opon Ifa are raised and carved with human or animal motifs, objects or geometric designs, and at the top of the Opon Ifa, referred to as the ‘head’, is a representation ofOrisha Eshu.浮雕。Eshu被称为十字路口的监护人。他是奥里沙,通过打开门窗和清理障碍路径提供机会。Eshu也被称为“沟通的奥里沙”,并且能够在灵魂世界和生活之间开放渠道。

To begin the divination process, the Babalawo dusts the Opon Ifa with powder from irosun trees. He traces sacred signs and then taps the Opon Ifa with the pointed end of a tapper known as the ‘Iroke Ifa.’ He establishes a rhythmic beat, invoking the presence of Orunmila. While a tarot card reader will rely on a deck of 78 cards, the Babalawo throws 16 sacred palm nuts called Ikin onto the tray. They can fall on one of two sides and result in one of 256 different combinations. These 256 sets represent what can be called the 256 chapters of Ifa, each chapter, if you will, providing insight and direction on a specific course of action to create harmony. The art of the Babalawo is to translate the information being presented in a useful and meaningful way so that all resulting actions will be elegant and effective.

对于Yoruba人,通过占卜过程与奥里沙世界的沟通有助于识别问题并提供解决方案。问题可能是严肃而集体,因为确定一个村庄的未来或作为找到正确的伴侣的未来。所有的事情都考虑,Yoruba寻求其他智慧的原因与我们或其他文化的不同之处与之不同 - 除了Babalawo可能turn down a request to know the next winning lottery numbers! The tradition of divination has been and continues to be revered among the Yoruba people, and when their art relates to the Orisha or divination it often exhibits a special, ethereal quality. Their art often acts as a bridge between this world and the next – our world and the realm of the Orisha.

Opon IFA占卜板的边缘有各种凸起的雕刻,描绘了人类,动物和几何设计
Opon Ifa占卜板的边缘有各种凸起的雕刻,描绘了人类,动物和几何设计;原始ID#A010612-444

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