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该Look of Love – Pichvai from Nathdwara and the Deccan Plateau

原始 - 2015年8月19日星期三

通过Misaki imagawa.

Pichvai, or devotional painting, depicting Krishna at Goverdhan
Pichvai, or devotional painting, depicting Krishna lifting Mount Govardhan; PRIMITIVE ID# P020401-325

印度奉献绘画叫pichvaisalways tell stories aboutKrishna,印度教的爱情之神。你可能会说,pichvais tell love stories。在一个故事中,克里希纳在山山脚下的宁静的牛群村庄长大。他被选中领导村民将要奉献的仪式Indra,雨和风暴之神;他们每年都做了哪些,因为他们担心他们没有的后果。年轻的克里希纳拒绝领导仪式,声称他不同意使恐惧的牺牲。相反,他说服了人们向加莫瓦山举行的祭司,他的山丘滋养了他们的牛群并受到保护村;然后,让他们的产品出于爱情。可预见的是,印制人成了愤怒,派遣惩罚河流和摧毁作物的惩罚风暴;但克里希纳,通过同情心,想要证明他对爱情的观点,用一根手指抬起山戴山山,并庇护了村里的所有居民七天晚上。最后,印制人依赖和承认失败,从村民们荣获克里希纳和古达邦纯粹的爱情和奉献的观点。

描绘克里希纳被圣母包围的pichvai; PRIMITIVE ID# P1001-002

克里希纳队的胜利的故事,从早些时候的奉献传统中占据了一个重要的历史偏离,强调需要安抚众多祭祀和禁欲主义的行为;换句话说,崇拜爱情,而不是恐惧。在15世纪,一个名叫Vallabhacharya的哲学家开始传播完全奉献,爱和向众神投降的信念 - 特别是Krishna - 是获得他恩典和启蒙的关键。他开始了一个新的教派Pushti Marg.奉献者欢乐地庆祝,唱歌和跳舞,没有保留,并充分地向克里希纳作为获得恩典的手段,称为Pushti,这是各种各样的俗人的形式。Pushti Marg意味着“恩典的道路”。

Pichva描绘了戈皮s, or milk maids in adoration of Krishna; PRIMITIVE ID# P020401-326

一种非常高形式的奉献绘画,称为Pichva在Pighti Marg周围开发的众多艺术中表现出来。在印地语中,'Pich'意味着'回来'和'vai'意味着'挂。'占据这些话,提供了一个普通的毛皮,装饰绘画的Pichvais的描述,这些绘画在桌子或垫子上悬挂在桌子上,装满了克里希纳的产品和雕像。所有Pichva都描绘了Krishna,并旨在说明神话故事,季节的精神或节日的主题。主题通常来自节日和特殊场合的唱歌的词语。绝大多数拟帕瓦斯在印度最五种州之一的拉贾斯坦邦创造。

Pichvai depicting three aspects of Krishna Pichvai depicting three aspects of Krishna
Pichvai depicting Krishna with nandi, attendants and heavenly vehicles calledvimans.; PRIMITIVE ID# P1406-003

在拉贾斯坦邦,位于纳德瓦拉村,克里希纳以谢里皮斯寺,一个年轻的蓝色男孩的形式崇拜。Shrinathji是Pushti Marg的核心神灵。Nathdwara绘画学院,这是一个由其软调色调色板,颜料大词汇的风格学院,以及使用金箔几乎总是被描绘为克里希纳作为Shrinathji。这些Pichvais最经常向富人的服装披上Shrinathji并装饰着珠宝和花的花环。这些描绘没有什么奥斯特。它们是快乐,色彩的悬挂,在大型棉布帆布上具有卓越的细节,并进一步装饰金箔。每个Pichva都讲述了克里希纳的年轻成年生活的特定故事或活动,作为一个顽皮的恶作剧的男孩,仍然被所有村民所爱。该戈皮或者牛奶佣人,会涌向年轻的克里希纳,因为他扮演长笛时,不可抗拒地向他绘制。在一个pichvai,Gopis听到了Shrinathji的长笛的神奇菌株,并在满月的光线下从家里出来。在河的河岸,莲花花朵绽放他们聚集跳舞,但每个Gopi都希望举行Shrinathji的手。所以shrinathji重复自己,所以每个Gopi都会把他作为合作伙伴。这个pichvai被称为rasa lila。Gopis可以被视为人类的代表性;这个故事的寓意似乎是我们所有人都可以使用。

Pichva描绘了rasa lila
pichva画rasa lila;原始ID#T0310-008


绘画一个pichvai被认为是一个神圣的行为,一种形式缝合, or complete devotion to Krishna. This adoration and devotion made itself manifest in the details of these paintings, which were considered essential to successfully convey the stories pichvais tell. For example, in the story of Krishna lifting Mount Govardhan, he is usually portrayed with his left arm raised. Some pichvais are painted with episodic borders that narrate singular events in the deity's life. Attention is usually paid to their sequence. The moon, sun, lotus flowers, trees and river banks often relate to a specific time of day and season, which are crucial to the Pushti Marg sect. In addition to actually being an offering to Krishna – one given out of love – pichvais also set the mood for festivals and events in the liturgical calendar and were displayed accordingly in temples, especially the Havelli of Shrinathji, one of the most prominent of all Krishna temples in India, located in Nathdwara itself.

pichvai描绘克里希纳用devotees和nandi,或神圣的奶牛 pichvai描绘克里希纳用devotees和nandi,或神圣的奶牛
Deccani Pichvai描绘了克里希纳与站立在与天堂般的服务员的一个满月下的devotees和神圣的母牛的;原始ID#P1406-001

与来自Nathdwara学校的五颜六色的Pichvais不同,在印度南部地区的同时,还有另一种类型的Pichvai,称为Deccan高原。这些已被称为“Deccani”。Deccani Pichvais比来自Nathdwara的小型人物更丰富多彩,但同样戏剧性地戏剧性。它们是通过Stencing Images To to Blue Black,深红色或靛蓝棉花,涂金或银箔,两种类型的Pichvai之间的一个共性。然而,他们缺乏颜色的缺乏在更多的图形和更少的绘画图像中,以及金和银的更自由的应用。结果散发出一种丰富的污水形式。DeCcani和Nathdwara Pichvais之间的另一个差异是Deccani有时不会描绘克里希纳,以象征形式。相反,他是由的Kadamba.树木围绕一个叫做Vraja的地区,被称为克里希纳在神话中的家。Kadamba树也被认为是“生命之树和所有知识”,象征着Krishna作为一个通用轴,一个连接天地的中心点。

Outside the religious sphere, pichvais are admired for their enchanting visuals and precise detailing. One can almost see the gopis' skirts swaying as they dance, hear the cow’s moos echoing in the fields, and believe Krishna is actually lifting a mountain with a single finger. Yet, once you look beyond the seductive beauty of these paintings there is a universal message to be discovered; and whether Krishna is portrayed as a prank-loving child, a romantic musician or a solitary tree, how he is portrayed is less important than the message itself. This message is purely non-denominational. It is as old as humankind and cuts across all boundaries and cultures. No special knowledge of Krishna’s stories are required for its understanding; but once found it represents a call to action prompting us to act accordingly. It simply says,one sure way to receive love is to give love

Pichvai depicting attendants awaiting Krishna at sacred tree

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Pichvais是一种高形式的印度奉献绘画,以纪念克里希纳,印度教的爱情之神。从15世纪开始,崇拜的新一系列叫做Pushti Marg通过印度传播,宣传奉献,爱和向众神,特别是克里希纳投降,以获得他的恩典和启示。这些明亮的快乐绘画的创造被认为是一个神圣的奉献作用,并落后于神灵的雕像,以确定一个季节或节日的精神。有




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