
The Power of Belief – Altars and Altar Objects - 亚搏体育,亚愽娱乐,亚搏在线登录入口

The Power of Belief – Altars and Altar Objects

原始 - 2016年12月9日,星期五

格伦·乔夫(Glen Joffe)

18th C. Altar or Temple Table with seven drawers from Gansu Province, China; PRIMITIVE I.D. #F0803-067
18th C. Altar or Temple Table with seven drawers from Gansu Province, China; PRIMITIVE I.D. #F0803-067

在一个正在运动的世界中,没有什么可以保持不变的。文明上升和跌倒,宗教蓬勃发展,领导人出现和淡出。然而,相比之下,在广阔的时间里,似乎一些基本的人类特征几乎没有改变。这样的特征是我们感觉和表达复杂情绪的能力。另一个是我们实现想象力和概念化梦想的能力。还有一个更具特色的要求 - 我们坚定的,有意识的信仰体系。自从语言诞生以来,人类一直对一件事表示信仰 - 爱,意识形态,魔术,超自然,尤其是宗教。关于宗教信仰,他们建立了教堂,清真寺,寺庙和其他住所,以安置他们的信仰;总是,这些地方的中心是祭坛。


The purpose of the altar in addition to its physical shape and characteristics may vary religion by religion. For example, in Christianity the altar is often a table that represents a place of sacrifice or communion. It can be simple or elaborate; but it is a table nonetheless. On the other hand, in the East, altars can be miniature architectural structures, complete homes for honored ancestors. In Chinese Taoism, this type of altar is a place where both deities and ancestors are worshipped and reside. Also, in China another popular altar form is a table used to hold tablets inscribed with the names of ancestors as well as offerings of food and drink. Appropriately, it is called the altar table. In contrast, Hindu altars in India can be found in every temple as well as just about every individual home. They may vary in size and grandeur, but they always offer a sacred space graciously adorned with images of gods and goddesses. Finally, in Africa, altars are usually not even considered furniture, but instead, designated areas where sacred activities take place.

19 c复合阿尔塔r Cabinet from Shanxi Province, China; PRIMITIVE I.D. #F0806-047




佛室Panel 1: Descent from Tushita Heaven

Objects that have been worshipped and made sacred often acquire a unique aura distinctly different from those simply made for commercial purposes. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in African art. Altars in Africa are not as architecturally elaborate as their Chinese or Indian counterparts. In fact, African altars are usually just cleared indoor or outdoor spaces, which place special emphasis on the people and objects operating within them. One of the most common types of objects found in African altars is the fetish. The term fetish was coined during the colonial period when Europeans first encountered man-made objects attributed with supernatural powers and used during religious rituals and ceremonies by a number of cultures in West Africa. The shape, size and materials used for creating fetishes vary greatly. Some are shaped anthropomorphically, some take on the appearance of animals, some are formed like vessels and still others represent parts of the anatomy, most commonly the phallus. Fetishes can even be completely amorphous.

缅甸(缅甸)的19日期/第20 C. Gilt Wood佛教祭坛;原始I.D.#A1500-145
缅甸(缅甸)的19日期/第20 C. Gilt Wood佛教祭坛;原始I.D.#A1500-145


银and Marble Altar known as a Ghar Mandir after painting with motifs from the Taj Mahal; PRIMITIVE I.D. #A0702-407
银and Marble Altar known as a Ghar Mandir after painting with motifs from the Taj Mahal; PRIMITIVE I.D. #A0702-407

一般而言,对祭坛和祭坛物体的兴趣日益增加,引起了人们对与该材料相关的建筑风格的兴趣。例如,在原始访问者中,游客经常发现对佛陀室和商店的其他区域有一定的吸引力,可以找到真实的祭坛和相关物体。这些“房间”启发了相关房间和冥想空间的创建。最近,原始的恢复人员进行了修改和重新修改,在2001年在印度的古吉拉特邦地震中,一座建筑物的石材建筑立面剪切了一座建筑物。外墙由门口和两个侧壁组成,长约40英尺,高八英尺高或三百二十平方英尺。该计划要求将墙改造成新建筑房屋的房间的覆层。完成的房间比原始墙壁需要更多的平方英尺,因此零件经过重新设计,修改,然后施放以扩展平方英尺。成品房将是主人的寺庙或冥想室。房间的一端是一个名为Ghar Mandir的祭坛。尽管祭坛的冠层顶部是原始的,但原始的大理石结构创造了底部的大理石结构,然后从大理石上的泰姬陵上制成了手绘图案。

Detail of painting and silver work on the Ghar Mandir; PRIMITIVE I.D. #A0702-407

祭坛,祭坛对象及其被发现的空间会产生敬畏,奇迹,魔法和宁静的感觉。他们融合艺术,文化,历史,宗教,建筑,室内设计,当然还有 - 信仰 - 创造神圣的空间。在此过程中,他们还可以将我们的经验提升到神的水平。

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