
What a Sight?

PRIMITIVE - Monday, August 27, 2007

It was around midnight in Connaught Place, Delhi. We had arrived back in the capital city before our departure to Nepal the next morning.

Pig said, “Let’s explore.” And we all had learned to listen to her. Besides, we needed to find a place to eat.
Pausing by Palika Bazaar to discuss which way to go, Claudia was startled and surprised when she was nudged from behind by a real live elephant.

Can you imagine this? He wasn’t pushing her aside. He was saying hello and probably looking for food himself. Sitting atop the elephant was the “mahout,” his driver, friend and companion, who explained with a bright smile that they were simply passing through town on their way home. No more questions were asked, since the sight of a pachyderm in the middle of the city was enough.
As the giant animal slipped into the shadows and fog of Delhi’s night life, I looked over to Pig who reminded me you have to venture out to find the unexpected.

Then I realized, it’s just like going to PRIMITIVE.