
自然的炼金术 - 石化木材


Imagine walking deep into a forest. All the noise of the modern world fades away, leaving only the sounds of nature whispering in your ears. A stream murmurs nearby, the wind whistles through the trees, and leaves flutter in lengthy sighs as birds call out to one another overhead. There is no path where you walk, only trails marked by barely visible animal prints. Squirrels scurry up the b...

干杯!- 库博阿仪式葡萄酒杯


Kuba Art荣幸地使用了利用有节奏的几何图案,这些图案装饰了各种仪式物体,面具,纺织品和这些高度收藏的仪式杯。库博已经被描述为一个不能承受的人,不能留下侵破表面。它源于与高地位和威望的联系人装饰的传统。你可能会说,到库巴人,m ...