
布莱恩·辛德勒(Brian Sindler) - 夜曲

07 November 2019

布莱恩·辛德勒(Brian Sindler)是一位屡获殊荣的美国艺术家,他的作品体现了景观绘画的本质。它们被称为景观渲染,因为它们不打算确切的渲染。辛德勒在一个沉浸在艺术的家庭中长大。早期,他学习音乐,最终成为巡回音乐家。但是,视觉艺术一直在呼唤。在美国艺术学院和S ...

Rebuild Notre Dame 2019 Editions



欣赏佛教艺术:第四部分 - 仪式工具和符号

18 August 2017

It’s impossible to deal in world art on any scale and not have frequent encounters with world religion; primarily because there aren’t five religions in the world, but somewhere around 4,200! Each of those religions usually has its own rites and rituals, daily ceremonies, and celebratory special occasions; and in turn, implements and visual symbols associated with their realization...

Tutsi Basketry – World Class Weaving

11August 2017

是否有一个不创造和利用篮子的古代文明?似乎并非如此,这意味着篮子可能是人类历史上最古老的艺术形式之一。不幸的是,自然纤维历史上用来创建篮子通常会随着时间的流逝而降低,因此很难保存历史样本。然而,有远古时代的篮子证明。对于Exa ...

创建神圣的空间 - 建造冥想室

04 August 2017


大自然的手工作品 - 贡希的简介


Gongshi can be loosely divided into two general categories: abstract and representational. Abstract Gongshi are commonly called “scholar’s rocks.” They may be reminiscent of coral or cloud like shapes and often have swirls, holes, perforations, and myriad caverns on their surface. They sometimes resemble famous or imaginary mountains and natural wonders, and typically appear n...

解密的神灵 - 真正的Quan Yin会站起来!

21七月y 2017

世界上任何地方发现的最常见的神灵之一是Quan Yin。为了充分理解Quan Yin,有必要首先讨论Avolokitesvara,Avolokitesvara是无限同情和怜悯的佛教菩萨(可以定义为佛陀)。在所有佛教的所有学校中,Avolokitesvara都会被毅力和耐心化,因为这是一个神灵...

Collecting African Art: Part 1 - Authenticity


Generally speaking, what is commonly referred to as African art or traditional African art is artwork from sub Saharan countries produced by indigenous cultures free of Christian, Islamic or European influences. Art made by European people in southern Africa, for instance, would not be considered traditional African art; neither would artwork by renowned contemporary African artists such as Ibr...

Symbolism in Chinese Art and Antiques: Part One - Animated Nature

07 July 2017

The purpose of this blog is to provide the reader with a useful, practical guide to interpreting the appearance of animal symbols in Chinese art and antiques. The visual language found in Chinese art and antiques is so rich, even minor artworks can become steeped in symbolic significance. Chinese art has evolved over roughly 5,000 years, including approximately 3,500 years of written records. D...

传统叙事艺术 - 巴厘岛庙宇绘画


巴厘岛在印度尼西亚。虽然它可以描述为具有非凡的自然景观和宏伟和亲密范围的美容场景的岛屿天堂,但它也是世界上最复杂和最吸引人的文化之一的所在地。尽管印度尼西亚其他地区是伊斯兰的,但巴厘岛是印度教徒。但是,在巴厘岛实行的印度教仅是该岛的特有。这是 ...